
Fabrico Collection

Fabrico Laminate combines the textured intricacy of fabric designs with the rock-solid durability of laminate, offering a unique canvas for your architectural dreams.


Why to Choose Fabrico Laminates?

Fabrico Laminate brings a touch of textured elegance to any environment. In homes, it reimagines spaces like kitchens and living rooms with an artisanal flair. Offices can enjoy an added layer of sophistication in common areas and individual workspaces alike. Restaurants, schools, labs, hospitals, and malls will find Fabrico's unique fabric-like texture and durable nature to be a perfect match for high-traffic, high-impact areas.


Download Our PDF

Want to learn more about the endless possibilities that Fabrico Laminate has to offer? Download our comprehensive PDF guide filled with design inspirations, technical specifications, and versatile applications. Immerse yourself in the world of Fabrico and plan your next renovation with confidence and style.


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